SIHAT atau KAYA?? Dua-dua pun BOLEH!!.... :-)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Kenapa Harus Pilih Monavie?

Jika anda baca buku-buku tentang MLM, kita perlu memilih berdasarkan 3 kriteria ini sekiranya mahu menjalankan perniagaan MLM. Pilihan mestilah mengikut hierarki ini:
  1. Syarikat
  2. Produk
  3. Marketing Plan
Senario yang berlaku di Malaysia, banyak syarikat MLM yang tumbuh seperti cendawan. Kebanyakannya mengetengahkan marketing plan @ $$$ tanpa mengambil peduli tentang produk di mana saya mengklasifikasikan sebagai “Plan Based Company”. Biasanya sykt spt ini kekuatan produknya = 0. Sehinggakan ramai orang salah anggap dan menyamakan MLM dengan Money Game!
MLM sebenarnya berasaskan produk, MLM hanyalah satu sistem pemasaran produk. Setiap ahli mewujudkan Rangkaian Pengguna atau biasa kita panggil “Members get members”. Jika seseorang memilih untuk join sesuatu MLM company kerana Marketing Plan, dan mengetepikan kriteria syarikat dan produk, Jangan salahkan orang lain jika company tutup atau network tak jalan. Ini kerana anda menjalankan perniagaan MLM itu sendiri dengan asas yang tidak betul.

Untuk pengetahuan anda, Semua MLM yang bertahan lama di dunia ialah “Product Based Company”. Cuba lihat Amway, Tupperware, Avon, Mary Kay, Shaklee dll… ini semua product based company. Saya mengambil petikan dari Robert T. Kiyosaki,
“Untuk menjalankan perniagaan MLM, Seseorang itu harus pertama: Memilih Syarikat yang Kukuh. Kedua : Mempunyai Produk yang berkualiti dan diguna pakai. Ketiga : Marketing Plan boleh buat duit. Kalau Syarikat bagus, Produk bagus tapi marketing plan tak boleh buat duit, pun tak guna juga.

Sekarang cuba kita kaji kekuatan Syarikat MonaVie :-

1. Memenangi anugerah Ernst and Young Award. Anugerah ini umpama ‘Golden Globe’ untuk usahawan. Monavie juga memenangi anugerah No 1 ‘Utah Business Fast 50 Awards’

2. Monavie mencatat jualan lebih pantas daripada Microsoft. Microsoft mengambil masa lapan tahun untuk mencatat jualan 1 bilion. Monavie mencatat jualan 1 bilion dalam masa 2 tahun sahaja.
3. Mendapat Ranking No 1 dalam Majalah Inc500 dalam kategori Food & Beverages. Semua syarikat yang pernah keluar dalam majalah ini menjadi gergasi dunia selepas 5 tahun cth, Apple, Intel, Nokia dan sebagainya.
4. Ranking No 6 dunia di antara syarikat2 MLM. Ranking ni ketika Monavie baru berusia 4 tahun setengah sahaja. Lagi 5 tahun???

Itu adalah FAKTA tentang syarikat…….. Cuba kita Kaji pula tentang Kekuatan Produk Monavie

1. Produk Monavie telah mendapat liputan dalam beratus siaran dan majalah seperti, Oprah Show, The Perricone Promises, The Doctors Show, The Wall Street Journal dan macam2 lagi.

2. MonaVie telah dikaji oleh 4 badan penyelidikan seperti University of Fluorida, Health Science Institute dll.
3. Berpuluh doktor telah memberi pendapat dan pandangan tentang Jus MonaVie.
4. Company MLM lain seperti Amway membuat jualan Bilion setahun dengan banyak produk, tetapi Monavie buat jualan billion setahun hanya dengan 1 PRODUK!!!
5. MonaVie telah terjual sebanyak lebih 80 juta botol seluruh dunia.

Itu semua kekuatan Produk Monavie…. Macam mana pula dengan kekuatan Marketing Plan Monavie?


1. Income tertinggi dalam dunia MLM ialah Lita n Brig Hart, dari Company MonaVie, Pendapatan purata sebulan RM 3.5 Juta. Brig Hart dah buat sejarah dalam MLM sebab MonaVie baru ja 4 tahun, dah pegang ranking sebagai Pendapatan tertinggi di dunia antara semua syarikat MLM.

2. 48% dari Senarai Orang yang berpendapatan Paling Tinggi dalam MLM dunia datang dari Monavie. Ini kerana Plan Pemasaran MonaVie yang Mantap dan unik serta sesuai untuk semua golongan.
3. Satu dunia dah ada 80 ahli berpangkat Black Diamond, Pendapatan bulanan minimum RM200k dan dah dapat Hadiah Mercedes SL550 bernilai Rm1.3J. Monavie bukan cakap kosong tapi dah bagi 80 orang. PROVEN…. Jepun baru launch 2 tahun dah 2 orang capai Black DIAMOND. Anda rasa Malaysia setahun lepas launching ada Black Diamond tak????
Ini semua FAKTA tentang Syarikat, Produk, Marketing Plan, bukan pendapat atau cakap kosong. Monavie bukan peringkat nak CUBA-CUBA, Monavie is a PROVEN COMPANY. Tak payah pikir overpaid ker… nak study produk bagus ker tidak sebab MonaVie is PROVEN Company. Kerja anda hanya BINA NETWORK sahaja.

Soalan saya : Jika ketika Monavie baru 4 tahun 1/2 dah sebaris dengan syarikat MLM Gergasi yang dah berpuluh tahun di US, Bolehkah ia menjadi salah satu syarikat MLM terbaik di Malaysia? (clue: lihat penerima anugerah MLM Terbaik Malaysia 2011..... :D)

Usahawan sebenar ialah orang yang cepat melihat peluang di mana mereka melihat dengan mata hati………….
credit to

p/s: Monavie kini baru berusia lebih kurang 2 setengah tahun di Malaysia dan bakal memasuki pasaran Indonesia awal tahun depan. Anda boleh bayangkan pasaran anda jika bermula sekarang???........ :)

Hubungi saya sekarang untuk keterangan lanjut tentang produk dan  bisnes Monavie:

Facebook: Claude Songgorib
H/P: 016-586 0202

Cara mudah untuk pra daftar sebagai agen/pengedar bebas Monavie: Cuma SMS atau hantar data anda ke email saya:
Nama penuh, no MyKad, No Hp, email dan alamat lengkap. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

(Saya Tidak Tahu Apa Saya Mahu!) I Don't Know What I Want!

Saya rasa ini merupakan post pertama saya dalam bahasa Inggeris...:p Sebenarnya ini adalah artikel asal dari yang saya 'copy' ke dalam blog saya sekadar untuk perkongsian demi untuk kebaikan bersama. Bagi yang agak kurang dalam bahasa ini, boleh lah gunakan bantuan kamus atau paling mudah Google Translate... :D Selamat Membaca..... :)

Your financial genius is waiting to bloom

Have you ever asked yourself, “What do I want to do in life?” And your answer comes back, “I don’t know”?
Or how about these questions:
“What do I want to learn next?” Don’t know.
“What big goal do I want to accomplish?” I don’t know.
Have you asked your teenager, “What do you want to do with your life?” only to hear, “I dunno.”
If this sounds familiar, rest assured you are not alone. The good news is, for the first time, I think I know why… so if you’re struggling with your financial goals, your investment progress or something as big as your life purpose, then please read on.
A Dumb-Us-Down System – According to Science
This information comes from JW Wilson who is the executive director of The Advanced Learning Institute. JW has been studying for years how people learn. What he’s found is shocking and may disturb you. The Advanced Learning Institute’s findings are based on scientific research and studies. (Please visit their website here for more information.)
The bottom line is this - our school system has been damaging kids for years and years. And almost all countries throughout the world use the same system. Here are some findings that may rock your world:
  • 97% of school teachers are left temporal lobe dominant. This is the part of the brain that deals with reading, writing and math. Here’s the kicker - 93% of the students are NOT. They DO NOT learn that way. In other words, only 7% of all students actually learn the way that teachers are teaching.
  • The first twelve years of a child’s life is when the majority of his or her brain develops. School focuses only on 5% of the entire brain - the left temporal lobe. The other 95% of the brain, because it is not being used or exercised, actually atrophies. It’s no different than if you let your right arm hang by your side for many years with no movement or exercise; your arm would atrophy.
So what and how specifically does this occur in our school system?
What the school system does is lock kids in a small classroom (a box, for lack of a better term) for eighteen years. It gives them little-to-no access to the real world. Think about it…for eight hours a day, and longer with after-school activities, you are with kids all of the same age with basically the same amount of knowledge and experience. And you’re with kids of your same age and experience for about eighteen years.
Plus, kids are told to be quiet and sit still. That is not how a human being is designed to learn. It has actually been documented in 1969 by a gentleman name Edgar Dale that the worst way to learn is via reading and lecture, the two main teaching tools of our school system.
The crime in all of this is that while those 93% of students are struggling to survive in this system, the parts of their brain where their real genius lies is being shut down every day. These kids come out of school believing they are stupid or slow and with no idea of what they want to do.
According to The Advanced Learning Institute, EVERY person has a genius. The real crime is that that genius gets shut down in school.
That genius atrophies.
It’s no wonder when you ask a sixteen year-old, “What do you want to do in life?” the child answers, “I don’t know.” Of course they don’t know because their individual genius – be it music, mechanics, sailing or cooking - has been ignored for most of his or her life.
After learning about this information, one of the Rich Dad Company team members committed to doing what he could to develop his own daughter’s genius. He shared with the rest of the team that he went home that day looking forward to some one-on-one time with his daughter. He said it was really sad because she comes home from school, after eight hours in the classroom, and is loaded down with three to four more hours of homework. It was not how he had planned to spend his time with her. It was a wake-up call for him.
Think about some of the greatest geniuses of our time who did not follow, or like, the “traditional” school system such as: Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Walt Disney, and John D. Rockefeller. Lucille Ball dropped out of high school, and the first female American-millionaire, C.J.
Walker, never finished grade school.
As Steve Jobs said about the school system…
“And they really almost got me.
They came close to really beating any curiosity out of me.”

By the way… in case you didn’t catch it, you probably went through this same school-system.
How Do You Find Your Genius Today?
Whether it’s your kid’s passion or your passion, how do you ignite that genius within you today? How do you discover what it is you want to do in life?
According to The Advanced Learning Institute, you, as a unique individual, will only select those things and information that have personal meaning to you. With this in mind, the first question to ask yourself and your kids is, “What are you interested in?”
I don’t know about you, but no one in school ever asked me what I was interested in. They only told me what I must read and study… so start gravitating towards things that interest you and actively pursue them. You may need to pursue many interests before discovering what it is that turns you on, that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning.
For example, I always had this secret thought that I may have made it as a pro golfer. I wanted to find out, and last year I joined a women’s golf league. I practiced and played more than in the past five years combined. What did I discover? I discovered that I really enjoy the game of golf, but it doesn’t mean that much to me to devote all the hours of practice and play to be great at it.
JW commented that it took him starting six companies before he unleashed his passion in the science of learning.
The Bottom Line
The bottom line is that unless you were lucky enough to escape the school system early on, chances are that the genius that lies within each and every one of us is waiting within you, and your kids, to come out and bloom. This may be your “Rising Time” to share your unique gift – your genius – with the world.
What are you going to do today to find the genius within you?

Friday, August 31, 2012

What is Financial Literacy?

Artikel ini dipetik dari dan ditulis oleh pakar kewangan terkenal Robert Kiyosaki...

As adults, most of us know how to read. We’ve gone through the struggle and frustration of becoming literate. Thankfully, that is one thing our schools do well. But for most adults there is one type of literacy that is sorely lacking — financial literacy.
Our schools do well at teaching reading, writing and arithmetic, but they are horrible at preparing people to work with money. Nearly every person who graduates from school is financially illiterate.
If you want to be rich, you must have a high level of financial literacy.
The good news is that you can become financially literate. It will take hard work, a lot of study, and trial and error—but the dividends will be worth it.
The key to becoming financially literate is to understand the four foundational principles of financial literacy.
#1 - The Difference Between an Asset and a Liability
Many people think they know what an asset is. For instance, you probably think your house is an asset—but it’s not. The truth is that just as there are two definitions of an asset.
Accountants use one definition that requires lots of financial calisthenics to make people and companies feel richer than they really are. This keeps them employed and their clients blissfully ignorant.
The rich use another definition grounded in simplicity and reality. An asset is anything that puts money in your pocket and a liability is anything that takes money out of your pocket.
Your house is not an asset because it takes money out of your pocket each month. Even if you own your house outright, you still have to pay for the taxes, maintenance and more out of your own pocket.
But if you own a rental property, that can be an asset—if it puts money in your pocket each month in the form of cash flow. When your tenant pays rent, they cover your mortgage, maintenance, taxes, and more.
#2 - Cash Flow Versus Capital Gains
Most people invest for capital gains. The rich invest for cash flow.
Simply put, investing for capital gains is like gambling. You invest your money and hope the price goes up. For instance, many people buy a house hoping they’ll be able to sell it for more money later. In the meantime, they have to pay their mortgage and home expenses. Money goes out of their pocket. It becomes a liability.
The problem is that when you invest for capital gains you have no control over whether the price goes up or down, and the bigger issue is, if you do make a profit, you pay the highest rate in taxes.
Conversely, the rich invest for cash flow. So, for instance, they buy investment real estate with other people’s money, find tenants to pay the expenses, and collect rent each month. It becomes an asset. And if there’s capital gains, that’s a bonus.
By investing for cash flow instead of capital gains, the rich have control over their income and pay the lowest rate in taxes—and sometimes nothing in taxes.
But investing for cash flow, while a simple concept, requires a strong financial education in order to make your own financial decisions.
#3 - Using debt and taxes to get richer
Your financial adviser will tell you that debt is bad and taxes are inevitable. But the rich understand that both debt and taxes can be used to create immense wealth.
When it comes to debt, there are two kinds—bad and good. When your financial adviser tells you to stay out of debt, she means stay out of bad debt.
Bad debt comes in the form of borrowing money for liabilities such as using credit cards to buy TVs and take vacations, borrowing a line of credit on your personal home, and more.
Staying out of bad debt is good advice, but the problem is that your financial adviser won’t tell you about good debt.
Good debt is debt used to purchase assets like rental property.
When you use the bank’s money to purchase cash-flowing real estate, you use less of your own money to secure an asset by paying only a down payment instead of full price, and your tenant’s rent pays off your debt while you own the asset and pocket the profit.
When it comes to taxes, the rich understand that governments write tax codes to encourage specific types of behavior. If governments want you to build affordable housing, they give you a tax cut. If they want to encourage oil exploration, they give you a tax cut. If they want to see higher employment, they give you a tax cut.
The secret is that most tax benefits are made to help entrepreneurs and investors. With the right financial education, you too can utilize the tax code to not only get richer, but also pay nothing in taxes.
Utilizing good debt and getting richer through taxes takes a high level of financial intelligence. But everyone can learn and put these principles into practices.
#4 - Making your own financial decisions
When you’re not confident about your knowledge of money, you let others make your financial decisions for you.
You let your broker decide how your money should be invested. You let your bank tell you what interest rate is worthy of your money. You follow whatever investing trend is popular in the news.
The rich don’t follow the crowds. They set the trends and are gone by the time the trends become mainstream. What’s their secret? They think for themselves about money and make their own financial decisions because they have a high financial intelligence.
The key to building great wealth is having great knowledge to act on and great wisdom to know which course of action is the best.
This kind of knowledge and wisdom only comes through a high financial intelligence gained from applying yourself to financial education.
Are you ready to increase your confidence about money by increasing your financial education? Are you ready to start making your own financial decisions?

Saturday, August 25, 2012

KESIHATAN RAKYAT MALAYSIA TERANCAM!!! -Kanser/Strok/Darah tinggi/Kencing manis-


Gabungan 19jenis buah-buahan paling berkhasiat di dunia dan membekalkan daya tenaga optimum untuk badan anda. Jus ini amat KAYA dengan ANTI OKSIDA yang TERBUKTI mampu melawan Radikal Bebas, punca pelbagai penyakit. Ia disatukan dalam satu campuran tulen sebagai makanan tambahan untuk memberikan kualiti kesihatan dan kehidupan anda yang terbaik.

Jus Monavie dapat membantu dalam masalah kesihatan berikut:
1. Kencing Manis
2. Darah Tinggi
3. Masalah Jantung
4. Kanser
5. Strok
6. Gaut / Arthritis Sendi
7. Kolestrol Tinggi
8. Sakit Sendi & Sengal Badan
9. Masalah Tenaga Batin
10. Asma / Lelah / Semput
11. Masalah Tidur / Insomnia
12. Sembelit / Cirit-birit / Buasir
13. Migrain / Sakit Kepala
14. Stress / Kemurungan
15. Resdung
16. Mencantikkan dan melicinkan kulit
17. Anti Penuaan
18. Menopouse / Ketidakseimbangan Hormon
19. Lain-lain Penyakit

Kenapa Harus Memilih JUS MONAVIE?
  •  Jus dari 19 jenis buah-buahan berkhasiat, terbaik & semulajadi, kaya dengan vitamin, mineral, fitonutrien dan lain-lain.
  • Buah Acai Berry dari Hutan Amazon amat kaya dengan anti-oksidan dan tenaga (Dr Mehmet Oz & Dr Nicholas Perricone)
  • Sumber anti-oksidan yang amat tinggi yang berkesan melawan Radikal Bebas(punca pelbagai jenis penyakit).
  • Pengambilan 4oz (120ml) sehari = 13 hidangan buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran.
  • Tiada kesan sampingan (NO Vedical Claim). Tiada pewarna dan tiada gula.
  • Bentuk biosedia yang lebih baik berbanding kapsul, tablet dan serbuk.
  • Penyerapan amat baik kepada sel dan tubuh.
  • Sesuai untuk semua peringkat umur (Bayi, Kanak-kanak, Remaja, Dewasa, Orang Tua).


Apa kata mereka tentang Monavie: 


Hubungi saya sekarang untuk keterangan lanjut tentang produk dan  bisnes Monavie:

Facebook: claude songgorib
H/P: 016-586 0202

 Cara mudah untuk pra daftar sebagai agen/pengedar bebas Monavie: Cuma SMS atau hantar data anda ke email saya:
Nama penuh, no MyKad, No Hp, email dan alamat lengkap. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Bukti Pendapatan Dalam Bisnes Monavie

screen shot di atas menunjukkan bukti pendapatan yang diperolehi oleh seorang usahawan Monavie yang terlebih dahulu mengambil langkah positif untuk menjalankan bisnes ini secara konsisten. Berdasarkan kepada bukti pendapatan di atas, dapat dilihat bahawa bisnes Monavie ini bakal memberikan pendapatan yang sangat lumayan kepada kita setiap minggu.

Jika anda masih menutup mata, kita lihat 2 hingga 3 tahun lagi, akan ramai jutawan-jutawan baru akan muncul dengan Bisnes Network Marketing, samada pembaca selepas anda, jiran anda, saudara anda, kawan dipejabat anda atau rakan kenalan anda. Teruskan membaca sekiranya anda nampak masa hadapan anda.

Walaupun terlalu banyak bisnes Network Marketing yang wujud di luar sana, tapi tahukah anda apakah syarikat yang paling kukuh dan paling baik untuk memulakan bisnes ini? Ramai yang gagal dalam Network Marketing, Direct Selling, Multi Level Marketing oleh sebab tidak bijak memilih syarikat ataupun terdapat banyak masalah lain. Saya sangat bersyukur kerana setelah sekian lama mencari akhirnya saya terjumpa syarikat terbaik di dunia bukan sahaja produk yang hebat malah marketing plan yang hebat! dan telah terbukti melahirkan ramai jutawan dalam waktu yang singkat.

Jika anda pun ingin bersama-sama saya untuk menjadi jutawan yang seterusnya dalam bisnes Monavie ini, sila hubungi saya untuk temujanji. Saya akan berkongsi dengan anda rahsia2 bagaimana menjana pendapatan mingguan yang lumayan dan konsisten bersama bisnes Monavie.

facebook: claude songgorib
Hp: 016-5860202

Cara mudah untuk pra daftar sebagai pengedar bebas Monavie: Cuma SMS atau hantar data anda ke email saya: Nama penuh, no MyKad, No Hp, email dan alamat lengkap.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Mungkin ada yang tertanya-tanya apa perbezaan Monavie dengan syarikat2 Network Marketing yang lain. Pada dasarnya Monavie tidak berbeza dengan syarikat lain yang telah lama wujud, melainkan rekod2 atau pencapaian jangka masa singkat Monavie dalam industri ini.

Saya berbesar hati untuk berkongsi dengan anda, satu peluang perniagaan yang sangat hebat bersama Monavie, sebuah syarikat antarabangsa yang telah memecahkan hampir semua rekod dalam sejarah networking. Begitulah hebatnya Monavie.. :)

Kenapa Mesti Pilih MONAVIE??

  • Pengiktirafan dari pakar perubatan dan pemakanan
  • mendapat Utah Genius 2011 Award
  • Syarikat yang bertaraf Multi-billion
  • Pengiktirafan dari majalah Inc500 sebagai syarikat yang paling pantas berkembang
  • Tersenarai di tempat PERTAMA dalam kategori makanan dan minuman
  • Tempat ke-31 dalam kategori pendapatan
  • Syarikat kukuh dan mampu membayar bonus untuk semua pengedarnya
  • Testimoni produk yang mengagumkan dari seluruh dunia
  • Banyak cerita kejayaan yang mengujakan
  • Pendapatan usahawan Network Marketing tertinggi di dunia adalah dari Monavie
  • Masih baru diperkenalkan di Malaysia. Masa yang paling tepat untuk bermula

Lihat video ini untuk gambaran tentang syarikat Monavie (mesti tonton)

Hubungi saya jika berminat untuk tahu lebih lanjut tentang Monavie atau ingin mendaftar sebagai pengedar bebas terawal sekarang:

Facebook: Claude Songgorib
HP: 016-5860202

Cara mudah untuk pra daftar sebagai pengedar bebas Monavie: Cuma SMS atau hantar data anda ke email saya: Nama penuh, no MyKad, No Hp, email dan alamat lengkap.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Pelan pemasaran (New Generation Binary Plan) dalam bisnes Monavie merupakan pelan pemasaran yang paling inovatif dan dinamik. Segalanya telah dibuktikan terbaik dengan pencapaian 5 tahun sahaja usahawan Monavie telah berada di dalam senarai top 10 pendapatan individu tertinggi usahawan network marketing seluruh dunia mengalahkan usahawan dari syarikat lain yang sudah berpuluh tahun bertapak dalam industri ini.

Ditubuhkan di Utah, Amerika Syarikat pada tahun 2005 dan baru dilancarkan di Malaysia 17 April 2010. Monavie Malaysia telah dirasmikan oleh Menteri KPPDN, Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri, di Sunway Convention Centre. Kita adalah yang Terawal di Asia. Dalam tempoh hanya 5 tahun sahaja, 50% daripada semua usahawan yang memperolehi Pendapatan Tertinggi di dalam Industri Network Marketing Dunia adalah dari kalangan Usahawan Monavie. Bagaimana Pendapatan usahawan network marketing Di Asia? Ya. Mungkin ANDA!!

Mulakan langkah anda sekarang untuk menjadai salah seorang usahawan yang mendapat pendapatan LUMAYAN melalui bisnes Monavie.. Hubungi saya SEKARANG!!!!

facebook: claude songgorib
Hp: 016-5860202

Cara mudah untuk pra daftar sebagai pengedar bebas Monavie: Cuma SMS atau hantar data anda ke email saya: Nama penuh, no MyKad, No Hp, email dan alamat lengkap.